Dear GCS Families,
‘Tis the Season to Sparkle! This is a quote that was posted on our Groton Community School street sign earlier this month. Holiday happenings can be found in every corner of the school these days. From music, dancing and glitter crafts to present wrapping, holiday games and special family traditions… the school is the happening place to be!! Excitement, kindness, and acts of giving are the over-arching conversations that can be heard up and down the hallways. A highlight was traveling to RiverCourt Senior Living Residences here in Groton with the Kindergarten Class as they sang, danced and made special gifts to share with the residents there. How heartwarming it was to see the intergenerational exchanges between the young and old. We are, indeed, sparkling here at GCS.
With the guidance, hard work, and generous contributions of many families, staff, board members, and the community, the 20th Anniversary of the Groton Community Home Tour was an amazing success. It took many hands to bring this event to the community and we can’t be more grateful. After a four-year hiatus due to COVID-19, we had 457 participants join us for a day of fun, shopping, chance drawing, good food and touring. While it is always a little bit of a let-down when an event comes to a close, it was a wonderful day and an overwhelmingly successful event for our school and within the greater community. We thank each and every one of you who chose to participate in one way or another.
While it seems like we are just settling into the school year, it will actually be registration for the 2025-26 school year in just a short time. We are beginning the process of preparing information, which will be sent out to families in late January; so please be on the lookout for your packet of detailed information in the weeks ahead.
It surely has been a busy, fun and festive month here for the adults, too! The entire group of teachers and the Board of Directors gathered between their individual meetings last week to share good cheer and gratitude for one another. Our staff training Curriculum Day was led by the gracious Raquel Majeski, the Associate Head of School at Lawrence Academy. She helped us to dive deeper into our school wide theme – A Sense of Belonging! We are so thankful for the time to participate in professional
development, team building, and for time to reflect, brainstorm and plan together.
Congratulations to the Helmuth Family on the birth of their son, Ford (sister, Ophelia Splaine is in the Full Day Pre-K class).
We’d like to thank Raquel Majeski from Lawrence Academy for reading to the children and donating the book, Do You Speak Fish? to the school.
Thank you to our Stock-the-Staff-Room volunteers during the months of November & December: Jaime Doucette, Jillian Doyle, Meagan Doyle, Sara Ellison, Princess Hernandez, Kristen Lampros, Carolyn Laverty, Rhenise Lucot, Terra Machado, Caitlin Mahoney, Kim Montilli, Lindsay Morrison, Kaitie Noe, Danielle Recco, Kim Stebbins, Samantha Wall, & Sarah Wishart.
Thank you to the TTh PM Blue Room families for tacos for “Fun Fiesta Friday” in November and to the Aqua Room families for a delicious “Fun Friday” lunch for the Staff… We so look forward to our tasty surprises each month!
We’d also like to thank the following families for their various donations in November & December: The Burgess family for crafts & curriculum materials; the Crowley family & Keurig for a case of coffee pods; the Jackson family for spare clothing; Agnes McKinney, Katy Niose & Samantha Wall for Staff snacks; Iris Sinkel for LovEvery Kits; and to the Tito Family for coffee.
December 23rd – 31st
Holiday Recess
No School
Wednesday, January 1st
New Year’s Day
No School
Monday, January 13th
Board Meeting – 7:30 PM
Monday, January 20th
Martin L. King, Jr. Day
No School
Friday, January 31st
Parent/Teacher Conferences
No School
Warm wishes for a peaceful and enjoyable week for the holidays!!
Linda Kosinski
GCS Director